Saturday, February 25, 2012


Sacromonte boasts some of the most magnificent views in Granada but is often neglected by visitors. In the past, many gypsies inhabited this area, living in small caves formed in the natural landscape.  As a result, this area tends to be synonomous with flamenco music and dancing.  Today, you can still see some of the cave dwellings, but by and large the area is made up of white, stone houses that balance precariously on the hilly terrain.  Because of the slopes and winding pathways, visitors are able to walk up through the main part of Sacromonte and discover panoramic views of the Alhambra, the surrounding valleys and Granada city below.  Arguably, the best views of Granada at sunset can be seen from the Abadía del Sacromonte.

Visitors should also make sure that they visit the Centre of Interpretation, Casa del Chapiz and the Palacio de los Cordova.

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